Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Concerned for Christ

Papa is doing so well. :) It makes me incredibly happy to say that. He is healing a little more each day...and even though sometimes we have some health scares, they always seem to miraculously work themselves out. We use those opportunities to rally together as a family and support one another as we make our way through. 

That has got me thinking over the past couple of weeks...how when we have a common source of motivation our thoughts, ideas and behaviors change. We become better, more dedicated and hopeful. 

This past semester has been kinda tough on me, I've been taking on a lot and have felt quite stressed... I ventured onto Facebook the other day hoping to find a little day-brightening post. To say I was disappointed would be an understatement worthy of some Guinness world record. Nearly every other post was about some controversial hot topic and if that wasn't enough nearly all of these posts were accompanied by a barrage of opinions void of tact or politeness. I quickly exited out and found myself feeling a bit wounded. Even though I was not the subject of controversy nor was I actively engaging in a debate, I felt judged, attacked, frightened and my soul was sore. 

I pondered on this experience, and realized that somehow we have forgotten the "spirit" of the holidays. When I was younger I was always so excited for Fall. September with its changing leaves and the promise of a fresh new year of school where I could set and accomplish goals. October with all of its fun Halloween activities and the opportunity to wear a costume that I had been planning for nearly a year. November with Thanksgiving and the opportunity to introspect about how blessed I am. Then December, with Christmas and the opportunity to be better so I can please not only ol' St. Nick, but also the Reason for the holiday Himself.

I realized that I haven't felt that way about the holidays this year...and it kinda just broke my heart into a bunch of little pieces. I thought about Halloween and how such a fun holiday has turned into an excuse to dress trashy, to gross ourselves out, and to ultimately desensitize our tender spirits. I thought of Thanksgiving and how gratitude has turned to avarice...how family meals have been rescheduled to fit around stores opening earlier to satisfy their gluttonous "early birds". Then I thought of Christmas. I thought of my own experience this year, which I know is not unique to just me. I thought of how I really can just go out and buy whatever I want...and so there really isn't too much for me to ask for. Desire to be good turned to desire to get goods. I also thought of how even though Christmas is two weeks away, I am seeing less and less of Christ in this holiday.

I am concerned for Christ. In the Book of Mormon there is a scripture that reads"And we talk of Christ, we rejoice in Christ, we preach of Christ, we prophesy of Christ, and we write according to our prophecies, that our children may know to what source they may look for a remission of their sins."

This holiday, despite the efforts of some, quite frankly I am having a hard time seeing Christ in Christmas. We think not of Christ-we talk not nor rejoice in Him...I feel like He is being lost. I am guilty of this too. Do I post more about my amazingly awesome husband than I do about my precious Savior? Not saying that my husband isn't wonderful or that I should never talk about him...but what if I spent as much time thinking, talking, posting about the Savior as I do my marvelous and hunky spouse?

What would the world be like if we did that? What if we posted just as much if not MORE about the Savior than we do about funny animal videos, quotes from movies, or even our opinions on the nation's leading news stories? I think we would all be better because of it, more hopeful, more quick to forgive, more humble, more caring, more grateful...we'd be the best we can be.

So those are my thoughts. We need to look to the Savior more and implement Him more in society. I'd like to make a Christmas resolution. (different than  New Year's resolution because CHRIST is the motivation instead of the new year) I resolve to make Christ my focus. I resolve to think of Him when I am feeling lazy, discouraged and unmotivated. I resolve to post about Him more than I post about anything else. I resolve to be more like Him. And I resolve to share my witness of the miracles that come from living a Christ centered life.

Happy Holidays, and Merry CHRISTmas!


Listen to *this* to bring a little Christmas cheer. :)