Friday, October 25, 2013

A Memory Not so Long Ago by Britt

Two weeks ago, before this horrible nightmare, we were able to spend some sweet hours with our dear sweet Dad. Mike is my father-in-law, but he has been a Dad to me.

Dev, Bridger, and I, picked up Mike and Lori and headed over Suncrest for a fun night in Salt Lake. I still remember the beautiful colors of the sky and fall leaves as we chatted and laughed over that steep windy road. We spent the evening at City Creek walking around, looking for fishies for Bridge to see, window shopping, and  we even attempted to get into Cheesecake Factory for dinner, which is pretty much impossible on a Friday night. We ended up eating at the food court and watching Bridge play at the kids play place. Kids change EVERYTHING!

Red-cheeked, Bridger would run by and hi-five us all before he climbed through the sea of kids onto the next object. He was in heaven! I remember it all so clearly. Mike and I decided to walk over to Cheesecake Factory to get a couple of cheesecakes to-go. As we were walking back, I asked Mike if his back was bugging him because he was walking with the tiniest limp. He said his lower right back was bugging a bit and that he planned on asking the neurologist when he went to his appointment in 3 weeks. He quickly changed the subject and asked how I was doing. Isn't that SO Mike Baer?

As we were leaving, we walked by the beautiful fountains and Bridger of course, was drawn to them. There was an older man standing there by the fountain who told us to stick around for 15 more minutes as there would be a water show with fire. EXCITING, right?  No matter the temperature or time of night, we had to stick around to see this! We took turns taking Bridger up and down the escalator to kill time until the show began.

The water/fire show was beautiful. As we ooed and awed, shivered, and enjoyed that moment together, Mike said something I'll never forget. He said, " This is going to be one of those nights we'll always remember." How right he was.

A few days later, he was in the ICU and life as we all knew it, changed.

No matter what happens, Mike should be at peace with the kind of husband, father, and friend he was before all of this happened. He always told his family he loved them, always gave hugs, and always knew where each member of his family was emotionally, spiritually, and physically because he cared enough to ask the questions.

 He is our Dad. The husband to our wonderfully strong Momma Baer. The father of our family. We miss him. But we have him! We are so hopeful and we are learning to be so patient.

Last night we took some pictures to the hospital to hang up in the room. I held this one up close to Mikes face and asked him if he could see it. He gently nodded "yes".  Devin asked him if he remembered when this was taken, again he nodded, "yes". These are good signs! Bridger has come to visit Grandpa twice. Last night, as we were going to bed, I asked Bridger if we should say a prayer. He said, "Yes, a prayer for Grandpa." He loves his Grandma and Grandpa.

Thanks for all of your love, support, and prayers for our family. I don't think Lori, Aubs,  Kels, Dev, and I COMBINED could get our hands on enough thank-you cards for all the acts of kindness you have shown to our family.

Love to all,

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful post!! And it's always a sweet reassurance to know that no matter what, you will be together forever! What would we do without this wonderful Gospel we have??? Our love & prayers to the Baers ❤️. Love Steve & Karen Swalberg
