As I have grown up I have a lot of memories associated with each holiday. Those memories I have of when I was an itty bitty Baer are quite magical. Santa visiting with his magic sparkle dust (it's a Baer thing) and the veggies we left for the reindeer gnawed on. Thanksgiving with the baby dill pickles and olive fingers. The Fourth of July with fireworks and sparklers. And then there is Easter. I remember going on Easter egg hunts with my siblings (we each had our own color), and getting baskets filled to the brim with chocolate.
Yeah I lived a pretty privileged childhood, my parent's took the holidays seriously. As I have grown, however, it's not that the holidays became any less magical, but rather, more meaningful. As I have grown, I have had experiences that have helped me understand the spirit behind each of these holidays and form a personal connection with each.
This past year, our family has been through a lot. (as you all very well know) Each of us went through these experiences together, but we each had different roles and different sorrows. Today I want to talk about what Easter means to me to NOW, and share a little bit of the deeper thoughts and feelings I have had over the past six months.
I know I am not the only one, when I say,"I hope ya know, I'm having a rough time." Just cause Papa isn't still in the hospital doesn't mean that things are easy again. In fact, some parts are harder. Yeah Papa's body is back....but HE isn't so much. That's hard. The memories of everything are so very fresh in our minds. Sleep doesn't come easy, dreams aren't pleasant, emotions are always running high.
In the past couple of months I have thought that since all of the scary hospital stuff is over, and how so many happy things have happened, I should be healed, I should be good to go. But the truth is, none of us are. The things we have seen and felt, they will be here a while. The fresh, new emotions that go along with trying to cope with the new normals are heavy too. It's hard.
So that's why this Easter means so much to me right now. Easter is the Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. That's what it stands for, a renewal. The promised blessings that come to us because the Savior rose is that we too will rise one day, without blemish, without mortal limits. For me personally, that's fantastic, but what matters most to me this Easter are the promises that my Dad WILL be whole again. Maybe not in this life, but I WILL get to enjoy that daddy/daughter relationship again with him. My Mom will get to be a wife again, she'll get her husband back. He'll be whole and perfect in all spheres, and that is all thanks to Jesus Christ.
Some people might not believe in that, but I cannot, nor will not every deny the things I have felt and witnessed. I KNOW it is true, and I will share that with the world. I am grateful that God has given me so many experiences and opportunities to share with others. I want so much for others to have that comfort that I have.
So yeah. There it is! Thanks for stopping by to stay updated on Papa. Pray for him. Pray that his brain will heal so that he can come back to us. :)
We love you,
PS, here is an Easter video you should watch!
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