Monday, August 24, 2015

Be Thou Humble

There is a hymn that has been playing on repeat in my mind this past week. The song Be Thou Humble starts with the line "Be thou humble in thy weakness, and the Lord thy God shall lead thee by the hand and give thee answer to thy prayers." Sometimes, it seems like God isn't answering...or isn't answering fast enough. With Dad's health, sometimes it feels that way, but we need to remember to be humble so we can see HOW Heavenly Father is leading us, cause He is. 

With that said, the bronchitis is still here and being a real booger. This can TOTALLY seem like God Himself is prolonging this trial to teach us a lesson or something...but really, this illness is just a part of mortality. Our physical bodies get sick, and Dad's is no exception. The miracle here, which shows what a thoughtful, kind and loving Father in Heaven we have, is evident in the many miracles He is orchestrating in spite of Dad's bronchitis.

-Dad STILL doesn't have pneumonia. 
-no lasting CO2 effects despite having low blood oxygen levels for like a month.
-even with Dad's intense coughing, he has been able to get all of his meals and meds in.
-the rest of us haven't gotten sick in any way. We have been able to focus on and care for Dad 100%.
-although discouraged, Dad isn't giving up! He is still doing his lego kits like a boss. (oh and if anyone has any old lego kits (with directions) that you aren't using, send them our way!)
-though it is sporadic and isn't much, Mom has gotten the rest necessary to keep caring for Dad each day. We know God is magnifying the little rest she does get so she can function.
-Dad and Mom find reasons to laugh and smile each day. Like that one time Mom was looking all over the house for something and Dad was sitting in his recliner laughing his head off cause she had walked past it like ten times. 
-Even though he has been in the ER more this summer than ever before, Dad has never been admitted to the hospital in the year and a half he has been home.

It would be so easy to look past these things, but we have to remember to be humble enough to see the still, small blessings just as we learned to do when Dad was in the hospital. We saw Dad's hand squeeze-something so small-as the greatest victory and miracle. The divine signature was there, we just had to put on the right lenses to see it. The same goes for right now, and that is what we are trying to do. AS we have done this, we can see the multiple blessings that our Heavenly Father is pouring out upon us.

The Baers

Some of the amazing lego creations Dad has done

His current project

Friday, August 14, 2015

Just when you think you've mastered patience...

Just when you think you've mastered patience, something happens in your life and you wonder if you ever had any patience at all! That is how it has been feeling with poor Dad's health lately. (though he really has mastered patience)

The past 6 weeks have been kind of crazy health-wise with Dad. His doctors never want to take any chances (smart) and so when something goes truly amiss, we have to go straight to the ER. We have been in the ER at least three times in the past six weeks, all for different reasons! That's a lot of visits. That's a lot of health issues. The first two issues, regarding his stomach, resolved themselves after an ample amount of wait time. (which we proudly considered ourselves the experts in patience at that point)
THEN last week, literally out of the blue, Dad lost his voice. We had been joking that he sounded like Barry White with his gravely low voice. Then ALL OF THE SUDDEN (as these things usually go with Dad) his health took a nose dive and he found himself battling a horrible bout of Bronchitis bordering Pneumonia. We went to the family doctor and he gave us a list of things to watch for, and should we see any of them, we should go straight to the ER. Saturday night we saw ALL of the things on that list. 

It always bugs when a doctor tells you that you're bad...but not bad enough. GRRR!!!! It is almost like I want to grab their stethoscopes and yell "FOR THE LOVE OF PETE!!! JUST DO SOMETHING!". Probably wouldn't be too effective but it might make me feel better. To make a long story short, we were sent home, AGAIN, with poor Dad unable to stop coughing, unable to keep his blood oxygen up, and with a raging headache. He didn't have a fever (according to hospital standards...don't get me started) so they couldn't do much else besides tell us to keep watching his condition. They did acknowledge that given Dad's condition it takes forever and a day to get better, but can get worse in a split second. (thank you for realizing, kind doctor)

So here we are, nearly a week later, still watching. It has been so humbling to see my Dad fight through this, and I think that is the only thing that is keeping me from making angry phone calls to medical personnel around Utah County. My Dad is truly a champ, taking each day in stride, even though each day is a rigorous battle. Mom is amazing too, being constantly vigilant day AND night. 

All things considered, though this current experience is really crummy, we do have some things to be grateful for. First off, back when Dad initially came home from his 4 month hospital stay the doctors told us that he would have pneumonia (and be in the hospital for it) at least three times a year. He hasn't had it once in the whole time we have been home. Second, even with his super low blood oxygen, his CO2 levels haven't given him grief. (which is definitely something to rejoice about) And third, we have bonded more as a family. 

So here's to patience. Raise your Dr. Peppers and let us drink to good health. 

With love,
The Baers
Barry White. Or as we called Dad, "Very White"

Wednesday, August 5, 2015


In just three months Cam and I will be holding our daughter in our arms. We have been feeling a bit anxious, our heads filled with colliding trains of frantic thought about our ability to be parents. So how are we preparing for this incredible life change? 


When people have asked the cliche "Are you birthing naturally?" I am reminded what my amazing hypnobirthing coach (and sister-in-law) told me: "ALL birthing is natural." I am not constructing a robot folks. I am growing a baby and however she decides to come to us is a natural phase in her development. 

So hypnobirthing isn't simply just trying to hypnotize myself so I don't get an epidural, it is so much more. One of the primary messages that HB has instilled in my mind is that I am NOT the only party involved in this process. My baby is working and preparing WITH me through all stages of pregnancy, labor, delivery and after. Not only does she play a vital role, but so does Cameron. Without him this little girl wouldn't be here! Cam's role through this pregnancy, labor, delivery and during parenthood are JUST as important as mine are... So instead of saying "I" or "MY" in regards to this experience, the words "WE" and "OUR" help us see how the process of bringing life into the world and ensuring healthy development is a team effort with equally important roles. 

This being said, HB isn't just preparing us for the birthing day, rather it is building a mental framework upon which we can construct our family. Cam and I are equal partners and our kids are active contributors (from day ONE). This life change isn't as daunting when we think about it like that. We all grow, learn and love together. 

No matter what direction our birthing takes, Cam, Payton and I will meet it together calmly, equally and rooted in love! 

Thanks for keeping up with our family. 

Com amor,

A shot of our girl. The techs kept saying "She has big lips and chubby cheeks!"