Tuesday, November 25, 2014

I know.

As I was sitting on the bus last week (yes it takes me about that long to put my jumble of thoughts into something understandable) I overheard a conversation. Before you start thinking that I am one of those bus creeps that just people watches you must realize that "purpose" is what sets me apart from them. I people watch to learn more about the people I am surrounded by...oh whatever moving on.
As I was sitting there innocently eavesdropping, I heard a conversation that went like this: "I still don't get it. If you believe in such a loving and merciful God, why in the world does He make you suffer so much?" 
(valid point my fellow bus rider)
The response: "I'm not sure...I just know that He does love all of His children and He wants us to be happy."
(another valid point)

I stopped listening after this little exchange. My mind shot off like a bullet train and when that happens there is not stopping it. 
How would I have responded if I was the other half of that conversation? Have I internalized an answer? Do I even have an answer? 

Yes, in fact, I do. 100%. 
I am only 25 years old, but I have seen quite a bit of opposition in my life already. I remember telling my Mom just this past year ,"I don't feel like there has ever just been peace in our lives...it feels like there has always been something big that we are going through."
Despite that fact, the fact that we as a family are constantly making our ways through a thick jungle of trials, each of us has no doubt as to whether God exists, that He loves us, and that He wants us to be happy. 

How is that possible? Well, in these short 25 years of my life I have learned that it isn't GOD who gives us these trials. Quite the bold statement but hear me out. It wasn't God that made me fall off the bunk bed and break my arm when I was three. It wasn't God who made the kids at my Junior High make fun of me for being LDS. It wasn't even God who gave my Dad all of his health problems... All of these things are just trials of mortality. They happen. They happen because we are mortal and prone to wander. 

How then does God fit into the equation? Just as any loving parent, God hurts when He sees His children struggle. He can't always take away the pain, because it is just something we need to pass through...but He has given us something to remedy all that is hurtful or unfair about this life. 

He gave us His own Son, Jesus Christ. 

Christ is the way that we can overcome. Christ doesn't take away the challenges in front of us, but He surely does help us bear them. Christ knows perfectly and infinitely what we are passing through. He knows and because He knows, He can help us through. 

I know this is true. I have seen too much and been rescued too many times to not know this truth. 

As I thought about these things, I happened upon a little video clip that perfectly sums up this message, 

Click *here*  (click on "Refiner's Fire)

So yeah, these are the little things that make their way through my mind whilst riding the bus. 

Update on Papa: He's doing well. He had some doctor's appointments during these past couple of weeks to determine his progress. Sometimes it's hard to go because we don't see the progress we hope for, but we are quick to remember that the fact that he can even go to these appointments is progress enough. :) He has been having some issues with his feeding tube, however. It is rubbing the skin on his stomach raw and is awfully painful. We are doing our best to figure out how to help him. 

We love you and are grateful for your continued support. 

Com amor,

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