Merry [almost] Christmas everyone! I could literally just BURST with excitement...mostly because I get to talk to my amazing sister in Italy. Random fact: Dec. 14, 2013 marked 2 years since I last saw Kelsey. Needless to say I miss my other ginger half more than anything in the whole wide world.
My last post was about my feelings on CHRISTmas, and how I was looking forward to celebrating the birth of a dear Friend. I have thought a bit about that, about how Christ is a Friend of mine. I have pondered on how I know Him and how I have come to know Him as I do. You see, Jesus Christ's life is one that is full of so many different experiences. He experienced joy, peace, love, pain, wonder, and even fear. A scripture in the Book of Mormon offers a passage of that allows us to understand the path that this Man walked.
" 7 And lo, he shall asuffer btemptations, and pain of body, chunger, thirst, and fatigue, even more than man can dsuffer, except it be unto death"
4 Surely he has aborne our bgriefs, and carried our sorrows; yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.
5 But he was awounded for our btransgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are chealed.
Each experience that He passed through, associated Him with the human feelings that WE experience as we pass through different circumstances. He felt these things first, so that when it comes time for US to pass through them, He is there to guide us. Personally, as I have passed through heartache, pain, fear, joy and peace, I have become acquainted with the Savior in a very real way. I have come to know Him better. He has become a true Friend, who I know is there for me, Someone who knows perfectly how I feel, even when know one else does.
A couple of days ago I had the privilege to go and visit the beautiful Christmas lights up at Temple Square. At the end of our visit, we decided to visit the Christus, a large statue of Christ with His arms outstretched. This has always been a favorite place of mine, and the whole night I was anxiously anticipating seeing the statue. As we made our way to the Christus, I felt like I was going to see an old for reals. The pull I felt to get up to the statue was greater than I have ever experienced. I felt like I was coming home after a long trip.
We found a place to sit down, and began to take in the grandeur of the scene. As I looked up at Christ, everything just felt so familiar, and I felt so much love. I wish I had more eloquence to portray how I felt, but words just don't suffice. All I can say is that Jesus Christ really is our Savior, He is our Redeemer, and He is our Friend. I love Him dearly.
Yeah so Merry Christmas Everyone! Thanks for letting me share. I will let ya in on a few exciting developments with Papa too. So basically we have a family tradition of opening one present on Christmas Eve. We are religious about this, my Dad being the primary enforcer. This year is no different. Papa gets a brand spankin new little gift tomorrow, a PEG tube. I know right? Lucky guy. Now we can take that annoying tube out of his nose! Woooo party!!!! He also gets a new home here in a few days up at the IMED Hospital in Murray. We aren't sure which day he'll be moving, but we will keep y'all posted!
Thanks for being so spectacular!
Now Mike can match Joe! Yay for button-buddies!